Thursday 17 May 2018


According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), roughly one-third of the food produced in the world for human consumption, approximately 1.3 billion tons is wasted every year.

The data shows that fruits and vegetables, plus roots and tubers have the highest wastage rates of any food. This includes around 1.7 trillion apples alone. Global quantities wasted per year are roughly 30% for cereals, 40-50% for root crops, fruit and vegetables, 20% for oil seeds, meat and dairy plus 35% for fish.

Food losses and waste amounts to roughly US$ 680 billion in industrialised countries and US$ 310 billion in developing countries. In developing countries 40% of these losses occur at post-harvest and processing levels while in industrialised countries more than 40% of losses happen at retail and consumer levels.

The FAO goes on to state that if just one-quarter of the food currently lost or wasted globally could be saved; it would be enough to feed 870 million hungry people.

What can we as individuals do about this? Ironically large quantities of food are thrown out at the retail stage due to quality standards, due to the appearance of the produce. It may be too big, too small, not straight enough, too straight, too many blemishes or just odd looking. What is this world coming to?

I guess we only have ourselves to blame for being overly fussy, but we as householders are still wasting food that we have purchased. Per capita waste by consumers is between 95-115 kg per annum in Europe and North America, while consumers in sub-Saharan Africa, south and south-eastern Asia, throw away only 6-11kg a year.

Whilst this is a huge global political issue, I can’t help thinking that each and every householders needs to take ownership of its own waste and do something positive with it. This is where home composting or council recycling must take place. At the very least this will enable each and every one of us to see firsthand the amount that we waste.  Some of this waste may be natural wastage, such as vegetable peeling, apple cores and orange skins, but it can all be put to good use.

Just think how you realised how much paper, plastic and tins you threw out, when you (hopefully) started recycling these items. The same will be the case with food, albeit on a slightly smaller scale as less volume is involved.

You can compost all your vegetable and food waste, the majority of what falls into the category of carbohydrates, including anything made of flour, such as bread, pasta and cookies, and grains, for example rice, coffee grounds and teabags. If you are a wholefood plant based vegan, then there is not a lot that can’t go in. The main things that have to be avoided are animal products including all meats, fish, all dairy and fats and oils. They take forever to breakdown, attract vermin and end up stinking.

If you are currently throwing these items into your household rubbish bin and sending it to landfill, then you will be contributing to an ever increasing environmental problem. In landfill, organic waste decomposes without oxygen due to the volume of waste, resulting in odorous gases and methane, which has a potential warming potential 25 times greater than carbon dioxide.

Organic waste in landfill also produces leachate, a liquid substance that is created as organic material decomposes. This leachate includes harmful substances and can get into and pollute groundwater and waterways.

This should hopefully have set the scene as to why we need to compost and I will be back shortly with advice on how to turn your kitchen waste into black gold for your garden.

Sunday 6 May 2018

Rape, kidnap and murder

Rape, kidnap and murder. This sounds like the description of a Crime Investigation programme.  Unfortunately it is what is happening all around the world, everyday on many farms and in animal slaughter houses.

Death comes to us all, some sooner than others. Whilst we cannot control our longevity, it is fair to say that at least whilst we are in good health and assuming that we have not faced life changing atrocities that have resulted in serious psychological or physical pain beyond comprehension, on the whole, most of us want to survive and continue living our lives for as long as we can.

Humans are fortunate in this respect in that everything being equal we can continue to live our lives in safety. I realise that there are exceptions, but this is a generalisation. What if however, this life or death decision was taken out of our hands and life could end at any moment.  This is exactly the situation facing billions of farm animals every year.

Unfortunately these non human animals have suffered serious psychological and physical pain beyond comprehension.  Arguably three of the most heinous crimes in our society are rape, kidnap and murder.  These crimes are horrific and rightly instil fear and dread at our very core.

Imagine being a victim of all three, repeatedly during a five year period. This is what is happening every day to sheep, pigs, cows and other farm animals.

These animals are raped to impregnate them by way of artificial insemination in most cases, at the hands of humans.  After carrying their babies and giving birth, their offspring, using cows as an example are forcefully removed from their mothers so that they do not consume the milk destined for supermarket shelves for human consumption.

Following several consecutive pregnancies and kidnapping of their babies, they are deemed surplus to requirements when they are no longer profitable and are transported to the slaughter house, to have a bolt fired into their skull, then they are hung up by a chain tied around their legs and their throats are cut until they eventually bleed to death.  To avoid any confusion, this is the murder part of the trilogy of crimes.

These are sentient beings with emotions, who feel pain and fear. Non human animals who naturally bond with their offspring and cry out when they are kidnapped from them within hours of their birth.  Kidnapping, which happens right before their eyes.

Their lives are cut short, around a third of the way through their normal life expectancy. A decision which is totally out of their control and which is taken in the name of profit, and dominion over non human animals by human animals.

How would we treat the perpetrator if these crimes were committed against human beings? Rape, child abuse and child kidnapping and murder.

The question that has to be asked is how humans can be party to such unnecessary and atrocious crimes against fellow sentient beings. My only explanation for an animal loving society, is cognitive dissonance.

Take a typical animal loving omnivore.  They say that they love animals, they may even own a companion pet, but when it comes to consuming the flesh of animals, where does this compassion go? It is like having the ability to turn on and off an emotional switch inside.  It is often a particular event, that light bulb moment when the connection is finally made between what is on your plate and the realisation that it is another sentient being, not dissimilar to your pet dog or cat.  The only difference being that something inside prevents any desire to eat your pet. In fact the vey idea would repulse you, and instil anger if anyone even suggested the idea. There are some countries where it is normal to eat dogs,  so is this worse that eating a cow?

Most omnivores will avoid the well publicised and readily available documentaries on industrial farming from where the majority of meat consumed comes from.  The fear being that once privy to the vulgarity of the crimes committed against non human animals there is no longer an excuse not to make the only decision that any compassionate human could make for it fellow beings, which is to stop eating meat, dairy and eggs.

The majority of us have all consumed animal products at some time in our lives and most still do.  This fact does not however make it right, and each and everyone of us can change the habits ingrained into us by society.

For the sake of the animals and to stop the pain and suffering being inflicted on them any longer we all need to take a long hard look at ourselves and make that change.

Monday 30 April 2018

So what's for lunch today

Nutritious and delicious plant based lunch ideas.

Thai salad with a black rice base, shredded super food blend, edamame beans, pistachio nuts, and tofu, with a lime, sweet chilli, sesame oil, tahini and a splash of maple syrup dressing.

Gado Gado salad, with a toasted peanut, soy sauce, lime juice, garlic, chilli and macadamia nut oil dressing. Come back soon to see what’s next on the plant based lunch menu.

"<" vegan, vegetarian, plant based, animal rights, vegan and vegetarian food "/>"

A vegan in Bali

What amazing vegan food, juices and cocktails in Bali. They know how to cater for a plant based diet

Saturday 7 April 2018

Saturday 31 March 2018

Can you be a feminist and not a vegan?

In view of the oppression of cows in the meat and particularly the dairy industry and hens in the egg industry, both females of their species, can any human feminist not be vegan?

Although I am male, I still have an opinion on this subject and will be putting my thoughts down in due course.

There are probably still people out there who believe that dairy cows are effectively milk machines, and simply have to eat grass to produce a daily quota of milk. No, the reality is that in the same way as lactating humans have to have a baby to produce milk, a milk supply that eventually dries up, cows too have to give birth.

Unfortunately parenthood is not the celebration that in most cases, it is for humans. Cows are effectively raped and artificially impregnated with humans having a hand in the process. I will leave the logistics of this process to your imagination, but in short, semen needs to be obtained from a bull and it is then forced into the cow. The cows are restrained in what the industry refers to as "rape racks" whilst she is artificially inseminated.

Some farms still use the old fashion method of leaving the cow with a bull or two to have their merry way with her. There is no magic and as we grow ever more conscious of how sentient and intelligent these animals are it surely is time for this to stop. Rape can start from as young as 15 months of age, and is repeated  over and over again until the cow is no longer deemed to be productive and then she is sent to the slaughterhouse. A cows natural life span is around 20 years, but this is usually cut short at about 5 years when she is no longer profitable to the farmer.

After giving birth the calf is often physically dragged away from its mother so that it does not take her precious milk destined for coffee shops, and the cheese board. This is an extremely distressing time for both mother and calf who will cry out in desperation as they are torn away from each other.

For one moment put yourself in that cows position.  You have been raped, you have just given birth and your child is physically removed from you and you can do nothing about it.  You have no say in the matter and no rights. To rub salt into your inflamed wounds, you will shortly be raped again and the whole process will start again as the milk you are producing for your offspring is taken from you everyday until it dries up, by which time you will be giving birth again. Your only release will be to be carted off in a lorry to a slaughterhouse and stunned with a bolt through your head before being hung up by a chain and having your throat cut. A cows life is far from dignified and as a man it makes me weep, so quite how it makes a female feel who I am sure can relate to the cow to a greater extent than I ever could as a male.

I am very interested to obtain views from women on this issue, so please provide your thoughts in the comments section below. I haven't even covered the exploitation yet and terrible system of pain and torture that hens are put through so that humans can consume their eggs. Do we simply overlook the fact that these non human animals have emotions, feel pain and fear and the females of the species have their bodies and reproduction systems violated for the greet of human animals.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Presentation by my teenage daughter

Veganism and vegetarianism

Now I’m not going to say hey omnivore you doing the wrong thing you have to convert to vegan or vegetarian, as that’d be enforcing my beliefs upon you and everyone has a right to their own opinion. I’m not trying to convert you I’m just telling you the truth about the human race so please listen. People may say yeah yeah vegan/vegetarian; you’re weird. Have you ever thought about their views of your diet? So you’re not confused I’m vegetarian and I wanted expand my knowledge on veganism.

How humans are designed

First, we need to look back to human evolution. Our ancestors were mainly eating a plant-based diet and when fire was discovered and there was a shortage of plants they would occasionally kill and cook animals for survival. 100 years ago, only wealthy people could afford animal flesh, compared to today with meat being fairly cheap due to overproduction. Meat eaters have a 32% higher risk of developing heart disease due to the high cholesterol in meat. Human teeth are not designed to rip animal flesh as we don’t have sharp canines. They are in fact blunt like a herbivores. A true omnivores (an omnivore eats plants and meat) jaw is only capable of moving up and down- a mouth that is supposed to eat meat. As you know humans can move their jaw up and down and side to side and have flat molars (unlike omnivores) just like a herbivore as herbivores grind vegetables and fruit in their mouths. A human’s intestinal tract in not suited to the digestion of meat. An omnivore has a short intestinal tract compared to humans who have a long intestinal tract, so your digestive system has enough time to break down fibre and absorb the nutrients from plant-based foods. It saddens me that people care so much about animal testing but then they don’t care about killing and eating them. It’s mad to me. It’s like adding 2 and 2 and equalling five, it doesn’t make sense.

If so I can safely say that you are human and are capable of compassion. It is common for humans to be repulsed by the sight of blood and have no desire to kill another being. Animals like humans have feelings and experience fear.  Their main purpose in life is to be safe, to protect and raise their young and to reproduce.

Could stop world hunger and damaging the environment
40% of the worlds crops are fed to livestock and not the 800 million people dying from starvation. The current growth rate of crops is enough to sustain 10-11 billion people. 51% or more of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture according to a report by The Worldwatch Institute. According to the US environmental protection agency around 500 million tonnes of animal waste is produced by the US farm factory animals each year. This waste can often end up in rivers and lakes causing pollution. It takes around 20 times less land to feed a person on a vegan diet, vegans eat the crops directly, so this would save food from being fed to overbred animals. This results in less land for humans and less food for starving people. It takes 4.5 kilos of grain to produce 450 grams of meat. Over 90% of the land cleared in the Amazon Rainforest since the 70’s is used for grazing livestock. Each of you directly contribute to the killing of 7,000 animals throughout your lifetime. These animals include 11 cows, 27 pigs, 2,400 chickens, 80 turkeys, 30 sheep and 4,500 fish which all are dooming our planet. 82% of the world’s starving children live in countries where food is fed to animals that are then killed and eaten by people in developed countries like the US, UK, Australia and in Europe.  A quarter of all grain production in third world countries is now given to livestock, in their own country and out.


Fishing boats are clearing all life from the ocean floor destroying coral reefs, destroying sea life habitat. The fishermen kill thousands of dolphins, sharks and sea turtles unintentionally catching them whilst catching fish.

Thank you and I hope I have given you food for thought

RETURN TO EARTH According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), roughly one-third of the food produce...